Mapbox Cloud Vector Tiles with Attribute Information

Andrea van Milgen, Wouter van der Hulst
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Donderdag 26/9, 15h25 - 15h45
Grote zaal

At Alliander, as a grid operator, we manage large amounts of geographical asset information. Our electricity, gas, and telecom assets together comprise over 600 types of objects, each consisting of millions of individual objects. So yeah, that’s a lot of data! For the past few years, we've been offering this data as Esri Vector Tile sets, but this closed-source technology hasn't been flexible enough for what we need. Open Source, for example, could let us generate deltas in the future.

To deliver this data efficiently to our organization, this year we developed cloud-hosted Mapbox vector tiles with queryable attribute information. In this presentation, we'd like to share both the successes and challenges we've encountered during this development.


AWS, Cloud, Vector Tiles, MapBox, PostGreSQL, S3

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