ManaIAS - A tool supporting the management of invasive alien species

Ronveaux Sébastien
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Jeudi 26/9, 13h40 - 14h00

ManaIAS is a decision support tool designed to help in managing invasive alien species. Using the information and occurence maps presented by the software, the user fills some assessments. Based on the given answers, the system allows to define priorities among the species and areas for the development of management strategies.

The system backend is developed on Django. It uses occurence data downloaded from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) to make some statistical computations using GeoPandas and to produce species occurence maps using PostGIS.

The frontend is built on top of Wegue, a webmapping application framework based on OpenLayers, Vue and Vuetify.


Open Data, Open Source, GIS, GeoPandas, OpenLayers Biodiversity, Belgium

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