Call for papers

Help making our 2024 edition a success

This year, OSGeo Netherlands and OSGeo Belgium are joining forces with a joint FOSS4G conference! Of course, only one place is really suitable for this: the border. Or rather: borders. Our conference location is in both the Netherlands (Baarle Nassau) and Belgium (Baarle Hertog)!

Send in your proposal before July 22!

Presentations and side tracks

There will be several parallel tracks

We aim for a wide variety of speakers: technology, science, end users and interesting (or special) uses. We would like to make this another conference with a high degree of diversity, both in topics and in people.

A few considerations about presentations:

  • The presentations are 20 minutes including a short Q&A session, so prepare well for 15 minutes.
  • Make a clear point about what you want to say.
  • Focus on the most important message (or story) that you want to convey to your audience.

Is that short? Yes, but that keeps it exciting and varied. Afterwards there will be plenty of time to chat (over a drink) and engage in discussion. And let's face it, it's more fun if you let someone go home amazed at the new things they saw...

The following applies to workshops:

  • The workshops basically last three hours: it is an extensive introduction to a subject.
  • In a workshop you put people to work. Provide plenty of things to do.
  • Participants use their own laptops.
  • Material that must be downloaded and/or installed in advance will be sent to the participants a week in advance so that they too can prepare well.

Topics & Debates

Tools • Goals • Applications

What is FOSS4G? - FOSS4G (Free and Open Source Software For Geo) conferences bring together developers and users (ranging from managers to decision makers) of open geo software from around the world to discuss new directions, exciting implementations, and growing business opportunities in the field. These conferences are organized on a global scale as well as locally.

FOSS4G NL/BE 2024: For the first time, OSGeo Netherlands and Belgium are organizing a FOSS4G together this year, lasting no less than 3 days!

  • Wednesday, September 25: the workshop afternoon and the icebreaker party
  • Thursday, September 26: the conference day, the heart of the FOSS4G
  • Friday, September 27: the code sprint, working together to the software and the associated supporting matters (manuals, translations)

Deadline for submissions: July 22


Summaries must be submitted using this form.


Contributions will be evaluated by the program committee and authors will be notified whether their contribution has been accepted.
All presentations will be posted on the conference website.

Evaluation criteria

The choice of presentations and workshops will be based on the quality of the submitted proposals, their relevance to the audience and their place within the program. The choice of the program committee is final and binding. The decisions of the program committee do not reflect the opinion of any employers of the members.

FOSS4G is a free event. We thank our sponsors and partners for making this possible.

If you want more information contact us