Leveraging Open Source Geospatial Software for webservices: a NGI use case for automating FAIR data publication through FME and GeoServer

Hoang Kim
Thursday 26/9, 11h25 - 11h45

NGI has developed a new procedure for publishing data through webservices and according to FAIR principles in compliance with the INSPIRE Directive. The workflow has been developed using FME. This workflow uses GeoServer to publish webservices and GeoNetwork to publish metadata and ATOM Feed. This workflow is designed to be as automated as possible, coordinating the publication of metadata and webservices associated with the datasets. Henceforth, data will be accessible through WMS/WFS for vectors and WMS/WMTS for rasters. The procedures for generating and publishing webservices will be fully carried out through GeoServer.

The presentation aims to describe the automated workflow and to focus on the following topics: the adjustments to create viewservices with a complex variety of datasets and advanced symbology; the challenges and solutions for generating and publishing large raster datasets via GeoServer, such as orthophotos, for the Belgian territory; the underlying architecture and an analysis of the procedure's result.

Through this presentation, we will share our experience on the implementation of the FME workflow and the use of GeoServer: the context, the challenges encountered, the current results and future improvements we would like to implement.

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